Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pleurodynia - Updated

Yesterday, I mentioned Kellie's trip to the ER and the diagnosis the doctors made regarding her viral infection. She called home today for Tracy to come get her because her headache was so severe. Again, Tracy took her to the ER for another examination. Based on my history, they gave her a CT Scan just to make sure that the problem was not severe. The good news is that there was nothing serious, but they did see something. We were told that she has a cluster headache. If you don't know what that is, please click the link and look it over. It was a new term to me. She was prescribed Cafergot, which appears to be a migraine medication. I am a little worried about the whole thing, but just a little. She appears to be functioning OK and if she has a headache as bad as she is describing it, you wouldn't know it by looking at her. I'll let everyone know more about this as the situation develops.

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