Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Jimmie Boone turns 70

On June 18, 1937, the man, the legend, Jimmie Boone passed into the light and thus began a trail of DNA that is held today by the Clark Clan kids. If we fast forward this extraordinary life forward until June 18, 2007 we arrive at the celebration of the hour, Mr Boone's birthday. On the Saturday before, the Clark Clan made the trek down to Calabash, NC for the big birthday celebration.

On hand were Jim and Jane Boone, Rodney and Jodi Dwyer, and a host of friends. Well over hundred souls were on hand for the party and to all appearances a good time was had by all. I'll try and update this short entry with more details later, but for now, please take a look at the pictures I took over the weekend.

Birthday Weekend Photo Album

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