Lost in the shuffle of the medical issues surrounding young Kellie is the fact that she tried out for her High School cheerleading squad and made the Junior Varsity team. You can view the announcement here.
She also moved up to a Senior Level 3 for her competition team, Cheer Dynasty. She has very busy schedule this summer as multiple practices each week are required for each team. Everything gets kicked up a notch later this summer when her Brentsville team is required to practice every day in August. This will include a sleepover cheer camp at the University of Virginia.
Just last practice, Kellie was removed from the JV squad to fill in for a missing girl on the Varsity team. After moving to Varsity, even if only for one day, Kellie's head would not fit through the door that evening. Her one and only goal this summer is to make the coaches regret her JV assignment and move her up. She has already been told that positions are not set in stone and changes may be made. I think the last practice proved that she is on the bubble and a good summer will see her move up.
I can't say that I would be thrilled for her to be on a team with Juniors and Seniors. Girls that old might not be the best influence for her, but let's just say that she disagrees. Tracy is quick to remind me that she already has Juniors on her JV squad. Seniors are not eligible for JV.
Her first days at school will be doubly easier now that she has older teammates and neighborhood friends to make the transition easier. You can tell that Kellie was very nervous about her first day in High School. She was strangely intimidated by the rising Seniors at the tryouts. I can tell that I am getting old because, to me, they are all babies.
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