Saturday, August 26, 2006

James Bay Motorcycle Trip - Day 9

Today we slept in and left around 9AM. We were the last group to depart, but we were well rested and ready for our longest day of the trip. Some of the group had already left as early as 5AM, so we were well behind.

We made it to the border in about two hours, and after a quick detour into the duty-free store, I crossed the border without incident. Again, the cashier asked where I had been, and expressed complete surprise that we had ridden all the way to James Bay.

Once across the border, we rode I-81S throught New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia. The only incident during this trip was that we had to stop in West Virginia to avoid high winds. After that we rode to I-66E and took that home.

At the end of the day I had ridden 657 miles and 12.5 hour ride. This is easily the longest I have ever ridden a motorcycle in 1 day. Additionally, one I looked at the final milage for the trip, I realized that in the last week, I have ridden more miles in the past week and half than I have in the the last 2 years combined. In other words, I put more miles on the GS on this trip alone that I have miles on the R1 since I have owned it.

Trip Stats
Date: Aug 25, 2006
From Ottowa, Ontario
To: Home
Miles Today: 657
Total Miles: 3,125

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