Monday, July 18, 2005

The Price of Success

To be successful or to attempt to attain success is the American way. Sometimes this works out and sometimes it doesn't. Case in point: North Carolina State University has undoubtedly become the finest public university in the southeastern Unites States. This is a result of offering the finest curriculum and making sure that all accepted students are of the highest caliber; the crème de la crème.

The bad part about NCSU's success is that is has become a school of choice for the less than ethical among us. It seems that if you want to receive the best education then you choose the best schools. The problem is, we cannot control what students do with that education.

Why am I telling you all this? A recent article on really explains it all. If you read the article you will see where the chemist decided to attend graduate school in chemical engineering.

Bottom Line: If you get too good even the bad guys come looking.

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