Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Roundup - #1

I am starting a few new series on the blog that will be published more or less on a weekly basis. Today, I am debuting the Monday Roundup which will highlight the activities and accomplishment of the Virginia Clark kids from the previous week.

Kara, Austin, and Kellie are still in school, but the year is definitely winding down. The teenagers even have a few abbreviated class days this week.

This week, we will go youngest to oldest.

Kara - Kara is finishing her first year in middle school and appears to have made the transition well, so no problems there. Tonight she began a middle school track camp at BDHS, and at this writing, she is still there. Kara is finishing her first year in middle school and appears to have made the transition well, so no problems there. Tonight she began a middle school track camp at BDHS, and at this writing, she is still there.

Austin - Austin discovered that he is a big fan of History this school year, particularly American history and WWII. The proof is in the pudding as he scored a 595/600 on his Virginia Standard of Learning test last week. He is also attending the track camp at the high school this week, but in the capacity of Assistant Coach.

Kellie - Kellie took the SAT's last week and will have to take some SAT prep classes to bring her score up a little before next year. She has started her job as a lifeguard at a local pool and is dying to spend her first paycheck before the enforced savings begin. She remains on the lookout for schools of choice next year. We plan to visit JMU sometime this summer.

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