Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday Roundup - #3

Since school is out and the summer of 2010 is officially underway, the activity of the Clark kids has slowed somewhat. Kellie continues to go to work at the pool and is finding that the daily duties of a Virginia lifeguard include cleaning up disgusting things that end up on the bathroom floors. Ask her about it. She will be glad to enlighten you. Austin continues to train for Cross Country and the Playstation Olympics. Kara got a job working as a Mommy's helper and just finished her first official (paid) babysitting job. The added funds will enable her to continue to operate as a loan institution for her brother and sister. They like to borrow money from Kara in the hopes that she will forget what they owe her and get a free gift. The only problem with that approach is that Kara NEVER forgets who owes her money and how much.

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