Monday, October 12, 2009

Operating System Venn Diagram

The following diagram is not my invention, but has stuck with me since I saw it. I think that this perfectly describes the the three major consumer operating systems in use today. Each of the choices touch two of the major characteristics of an operating system.

A quick look at the diagram will tell you what kind of user you are. Note that the very center portion of the diagram cannot be currently achieved. It's a genuine question whether or not the center portion is even a goal. For example, look at the Linux cross sections in the diagram above. I realize that it sounds counter-intuitive, but Linux users do not want an operating system that is easy to use. Power and control are disproportional to ease of use and these types of users are all about power at any cost. Another example; Mac users are deprived of a great deal of customization in the interest of a uniform interface. If you allow customization, then you complicate the user interface and it becomes less easy.

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