Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lumbees and Knives

Last Friday night, Tracy and I went to a local bar to hear some live music, enjoy some satisfying beverages and engage in a little adult conversation. While there, we were introduced to a couple we hadn't met before. After a round of introductions, the common ground of North Carolina was quickly established. After revealing that I had a brother who live in Lumberton, the female half of the new couple revealed that she was a member of the Lumberton police force for three years when she also lived in Lumberton. She didn't seem to exude any sort of law enforcement aura, but I paid that no mind and the evening continued.

Later that evening, I was twirling a butter knife in my hand when she piped up and asked someone to take it away from me. When asked why, she declared that there was nothing worse that a Lum with a knife. At this moment, I realized that she had lived in Robeson County because she knew. How else would she arrive at this venerable truth?

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