Sunday, May 04, 2008

Avon Walk - Day Two

She made it! Tracy walked every one of the required 39 miles to complete this year's walk. Ron McCormick and I took our respective broods to the city to be there when they crossed the finish line. We met them during the walk and escorted them during the last half mile.

Tracy's friends Michelle and Cindy also made the trip to watch her cross the finish line. I took plenty of picture and will post them here after I look through them. She's tired, cranky, and needs some rest, but other than that she is none the worse for the wear. The next few days provide a well-needed rest for her battered feet. As I reported yesterday, the feet were the biggest problem during the weekend. Both Tracy and Amanda have blistered tootsies to deal with. Congratulations to the both of them.

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