Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Call

The call came at 12:06AM Dec 27, 2005.

The call, in this case, wasn't something I wanted to hear. The first sign of something bad was that when I did not get to the phone in time, my cell phone began to ring. I called the number back and talked to Dad. The news, as expected, was not good. The bad news was the Grandpa Pete had passed into the clearing.

Grandpa's health had been fading for some time and I went to see him in the hospital on Dec 17 after the Locklear Christmas party. That was my chance to say goodbye.

I am about to head down to N.C. to join the rest of the family. It is rare that we are all together, but when the patriarch of your family is gone, that's one event that can bring the Clarks together.

I hope to see several people that I haven't seen in years, and Grandpa's stature in the community ensures that a great gathering is about to occur.

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