Sunday, November 27, 2005

Thanksgiving 2005

This year Tracy and I hosted Thanksgiving here at our house. Chuck arrived the day before so that he could accompany Tracy and Kellie to the opening of the movie Rent. I never really could get a firm grasp of Chuck's impression of the movie, but Tracy and Kellie both gave a thumbs up, Five-Star review. Rent is in its 10th season on Broadway and is a musical that Tracy has seen nearly a dozen times, and Chuck has seen multiple times as well. Tracy already has plans to drag me to the 'Movie of the Year'.

Chuck drove his 'vehicle' north for the visit. For those of you not well versed in Chuckspeak, the 'car' is the Boxster and the 'vehicle' is the Cayenne. Please contact him directly for further clarification.

The dinner was good and Alyce and Tracy outdid themselves as usual. Of particular note was the tangerine walnut cranberry sauce. This is an Alyce orginal that never grows old. We invited our neighbors Ron and Amanda McCormick over for the festivities as well. They were accompanied by their young sons Trey and Jackson.

In the event that Chuck or Tabitha forgot the score to the afternoon football game, I have placed it below for reference:

Denver Broncos at Dallas Cowboys


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