Sunday, November 27, 2005

Back Handspring

Time Stamp: 7:06PM, November 27, 2005
Location: RAH! Cheerleading Gym

Everyone who knows her is aware that Kellie takes her cheerleading seriously. For the past several years, young Kellie has been laboring towards the next step in cheerleading stunts. The stunt that she has been attempting to master is the back handspring.

This maneuver involves jumping backwards from a standing position, arching your back, landing on your hands, and rotating back to a standing position. Here is an example sequence. Try and picture it without the training aid shown here:

Kellie has been to private sessions to get this down, Gymnastic classes, and has attempted this nearly every cheer practice for years. All her instructors said that she has the mechanics down, the problem is all between the ears. They were right. At the timestamp above, I observed Kellie effortlessly throw a back handspring twice is succession. I don't know what happened to allow this sudden development, but she now knows that she can do it, and that's all she needed.

The next time you see her, congratulations are in order. She has worked very hard for this.

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