Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Field Trip

I accompanied Austin and his 4th grade class today as a chaperone for a field trip to Richmond. We went to the Science Museum of Virginia and the Virginia Historical Society Museum. Although definitely the underdog of the two, I much preferred the history museum and I now know far more about the history of Old Dominion than I thought I ever would. They provided a 90 minute guided tour, and the yound lady who led out group proved to be very knowledgable.

I do want to offer my picks and pans of the museum content. I won't dispute the artifacts and memorabalia concerning Virginian history, but I want to comment on the Native American portion of the offerings. They indicated that Virginia had been occupied by the red man 'for at least 16,000 years' prior to the invasion. This number is absurdly low according to the latest numbers. I will do a little poking around tomorrow to offer an alternative.

As far as the science museum, the next time you see Austin, ask him about 'Rat Basketball'.

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