Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Cheerleading Udate

It seems that I received some bad intelligence with regard to Kellie's cheerleading tryouts. Kellie did make the cheerleading squad at Marsteller Middle School, but on the junior varsity squad vice the varsity squad.

Marsteller Middle School is comprised of grades 6-8. The junior varsity cheerleaders are drawn from the 6th and 7th grades, and the varsity cheerleaders are drawn from the 7th and 8th grades. It is extremely difficult for a new 7th grader (Digression: Kellie in 7th grade!! What happened to the little toddler running around the house?) to make the team when they didn't cheer as a 6th grader.

In true Clark fashion, Kellie is appalled at the apparently incompetent selection committee. In Kellie's words, "I though they wanted the best for varsity", she reveals the genetic superiority complex that Clarks all seem to acquire sooner or later.

Rest assured that young Kellie intends to correct this oversight as soon as possible.

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