Last Saturday night, Kellie and the rest of the BDHS Varsity Cheerleaders played in a basketball game against the female faculty team. This was supposed to be the girls varsity versus the teachers, but for some reason the cheerleaders were involved as well. Bear in mind that only the rising senior cheerleaders were involved, but those 10 girls comprise half the team.
Let's just say that the cheerleaders and the girls basketball team are cut from different cloth. The girls basketball team wore their varsity uniform. The cheerleaders were dressed somewhat differently. They had the jersey, but all 10 of them augmented the uniform with a pink T-Shirt under the jersey, knee-high socks with Tiger paws on them, and ribbons in their hair.
This is not meant to belittle them in any way, but after the first couple of minutes, it was obvious that the cheerleader's combined athletic skills are based in areas not advantageous to the game of roundball. It did, however, provide the crowd with a tremendous amount of entertainment. After much abuse and no pity whatsoever from the faculty team, the cheerleaders put all 10 girls on the floor and a Benny Hill episode broke out. This truly had to be seen to be enjoyed. I can thank the cheerleaders for a great laugh and a greater Saturday night.
I love my daughter to death, but a basketball scholarship is not in her future.
One key thing that I forgot was the cheerleader pyramid defense scheme. Under this daring plan, the cheer team set up a human pyramid under the goal, which you might expect provided a great defense. It's fairly easy to block shots when you are using the rim to balance yourself.
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