Monday, August 17, 2009

VIR Day Two

DMG really screwed the pooch on this one. All weekend the published schedule was an approximation at best, and the situation simply went into overdrive today. The superbike race started 2.5 hours later than than scheduled. Having seen all the sites the day before, Austin and I simply sat most of the day.

Superstock Race: A little bit of a crashfest and Austin certainly enjoyed the action here, but the highlight of the race was seeing Roger Lee Hayden backing in right at us on Turn 5. He was trying an overtaking maneuver that didn't quite work, but to see him save the bike after a slide like that was simply magical.

Superbike Race: Josh Hayes and the Yamaha R1 proved that Saturday was no fluke. Josh gapped the field and ran away with the win. Interestingly enough, when I was explaining the difference in sound produced by the different engine types and configuration, Austin pointed out the strange sound of the R1. I had missed it, but the R1 has a really unique sound for an inline four cylinder engine. It sounds very twin-like and was my first experience with the new Yamaha uneven firing order. It obviously works because Spies has taken that bike to a new level. Yamaha is really sitting in the cat bird's seat this year, especially in international competition.

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