Sunday, February 22, 2009

UNC-Ch has an Ice Hockey Team?

The whole family (minus Kara) is at the Virginia Class AA State Wrestling Finals in Roanoke, VA. We made the trip to determine if wrestling is something that Austin might want to do next year. While that remains unlikely, there was an interesting event last night after the event. The kids were hungry so we went to a local McDonald's restaurant to grab some food. In the restaurant, there were several young men curiously outfitted in the distinctive colors of the Baby Blue Brigade (BBB). In fact, these were not fans of the dirty heels, but rather members of the Ice Hockey team that were in town for a game.

I ignored/pitied them, knowing that rational discourse was not likely, but Tracy chatted them up. One of the unfortunate souls, when told of my Alma Mater, declared this "unfortunate". It seems that I was right about the rational discourse.

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