Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Biases are not always hidden

I like to think that my personal biases and strong opinions about some things remain a mystery and hidden from the world as well as my children. One of the things that I thought I had kept to myself was my personal distaste for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Two nights ago, I was proven wrong.

Tracy, Kellie, Kara, and I were out to eat somewhere and the subject of Kellie's choice of colleges was the topic of discussion. We had been talking for several minutes, and debating the choices, when Kara offered the following opinion: "If you go to the college that Uncle Chuck went to, Dad is going to kill you."

Out of the mouthes of babes.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Booster Club

Another one of the reasons for our presence at several recent High School events is that both Tracy and I are members of the Booster Club. Tracy is the co-chair of Apparel and I am the Treasurer. I am also in charge of the web page.

Tracy actually became a member last year, but I agreed to become the Treasurer only recently, and then only under unusual circumstances. The previous holder of the position stepped down when her only child passed away last month. She was ill-equipped to continue in her role, and they were desperate for someone to step in. Tracy volunteered my services and the rest is history.

UNC-Ch has an Ice Hockey Team?

The whole family (minus Kara) is at the Virginia Class AA State Wrestling Finals in Roanoke, VA. We made the trip to determine if wrestling is something that Austin might want to do next year. While that remains unlikely, there was an interesting event last night after the event. The kids were hungry so we went to a local McDonald's restaurant to grab some food. In the restaurant, there were several young men curiously outfitted in the distinctive colors of the Baby Blue Brigade (BBB). In fact, these were not fans of the dirty heels, but rather members of the Ice Hockey team that were in town for a game.

I ignored/pitied them, knowing that rational discourse was not likely, but Tracy chatted them up. One of the unfortunate souls, when told of my Alma Mater, declared this "unfortunate". It seems that I was right about the rational discourse.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

NC State Away Game

Tonight, NC State played an away basketball game at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to pen yet another chapter in the fierce rivalry between the schools. Ultimately, UNC-Ch managed to upset the visiting Wolfpack 89-80, but I would like to bring your attention to a few interesting items related to the game.

First, when the brilliant capital S logo was displayed on the screen I was reminded of a recent YouTube surfing session on the collegiate exploits of one David Thompson. Fans of ACC basketball will quickly recognize David Thompson as the finest collegiate player that the ACC has ever produced. When I was watching a highlight reel of Thompson, I noticed the the NC State logo that I thought was fairly recently adopted, was in fact, a retro logo that has been spruced up a little. Thompson is seen in the video sporting essentially the same logo in the early 70's. I am embarrassed to discover this fact 35 years after the fact.

Speaking of David Thompson, one of the broadcast features of tonight's game was a fan voting game called TXT-of-War in which a question is voted upon by sending in a text message. Tonight's vote was to determine whether David Thompson (NC State) or Michael Jordan (UNC-Ch) had the better collegiate career. To a student of the game, the comparison is laughable because while Thompson is a first team 50th Anniversary all-ACC team member, Jordan, frankly, is not. He doesn't even make the second string. The announcers, showing their knowledge of the game, declared the decision to be a "no brainer" in favor of Thompson. They even declared that members of the Baby Blue Brigade (BBB) had to realize that this comparison was a farce. Later in the show, cooler heads seem to have prevailed when Thompson was leading the vote 55% to 45%. The vote percentage for Jordan was alarmingly high, but, then again, no one has ever confused a UNC-Ch fan with a Mensa member. Later in the show, and the last time it was shown, the vote was back to 50% to 50%., thus proving that UNC-Ch fans have the basketball knowledge of a drunken chimpanzee. Shameful!

Another highlight of the broadcast was a clip of a UNC-Ch player (Zeller, I believe), getting Kenny Smith'ed in a game earlier this year.

Lastly, the flames of the fire generated by the Thompson/Jordan split, were fanned by a quick shot of T-Shirt worn by a member of the BBB. The shirt read "NC State is not our rival". I can only presume that the shirt refers to the ongoing inferiority complex that UNC-Ch seems to have with the Cameron Crazies, but who knows?

Kara meets an author

Last Saturday, we got up early, foregoing our normal day to sleep in in order to get a spot in line at a local Borders bookshop. The reason for all of this was that Kara's favorite author, Jeff Kinney was making an appearance to sign his latest work. Kinney, or course, is the author of the extremely popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid series and Kara has read all three volumes. She is eagerly awaiting the release of the fourth.

We arrived in the line at 9:45AM for the 1:00PM signing and managed to strike up friendly conversations with the very well behaved crowd. We were moved to the final line at 11:00AM. To everyone's suprise, Mr. Kinney made an early appearance and began signing his books over an hour earlier than scheduled.

Not only did Kara walk out the bookstore with her first signed books, but she made the best of the opportunity and struck up a conversation with Mr. Kinney. Pictures were taken and I'll try to post them ASAP.