Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Last week Tracy was under the weather, then over the weekend I felt ill. Today, the entire House of Loca is under the weather. All three of the Clark kids are home from school today. Tracy is none too happy about having to take care of three sick kids, but as I see it, she started it, so it's her fault.

Kellie has a staph infection on her thumb, Kara has Pink Eye, and Austin just doesn't feel well. On top of that, Tracy still hasn't recovered from the bug she caught last week. She has my sympathy.

Kellie has a Chorus concert tonight, but she may not make it. It seems that she really doesn't want to attend. She proved that point last night. When told that Kara had Pink Eye, Kellie rubbed her finger on Kara's eye, then proceeded to rub her on eye with the same hand, in a blatant attempt to contract it as well. We'll know today if she succeeded.

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