Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Report Cards - Term 2

Here are cumulative reports cards as of term 2.


Course Term 1
Term 2
Language Arts AA
Spanish BB
Social Studies AA
Science AB
Math AB
Physical Education AA
Chorus AA


Course Term 1
Term 2
Reading B+C
Writing B+C
Math CB
Social Studies C+B
Science BB


Course Term 1
Term 2
Reading SS
Writing SS-
Speaking SS
Listening SS
Math SS+
Social Studies SS
Science SS
Art SS
Physical Education SS
Music SS
Handwriting SS
Technology SS
Work Habits S+S+
Conduct S+S+

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Austin and Kara went both up and down for essentially the same grades. Kellie's sudden propensity for B's merits further investigation.