Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Mountain Lion attack in Beg Bend National Park

As many readers know, in 2010 I took a motorcycle trip with my Dad to Big Ben National Park. During that visit, I took several excursions from the Park's lodge in the Chisos Mountains Basin into the surrounding area. We had hoped to see a mountain lion and we did see one that I got a picture of.

Needless to say, the news that a young boy was attacked while near the same lodge we stayed at was more than a little shocking and hit very close to home. Details can be found here. I have been on several on the trails that are now closed while they look for the cat. I think the fact that the smallest member of the party was the one attacked is significant.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Chinese Vistors

Last week, I posted an entry describing Austin's Chinese visit today, but it seems that I got a few of the details wrong. The visitors were not students, but rather were Chinese adults touring a number of educational institutions in the US. Austin did not have a speech but he did give them a tour of the school, a running commentary on the features of the school, and took a few questions. He told me tonight that the real-time translation of his words was distracting, but other than that, the tour was a smashing success. When asked to describe his Chinese visitors, his brief reply was 'short'.

One life lesson that he gained today is that we are all victims of an absurdity sooner or later and we might as well get used to it. After being selected by the school to represent the Model UN club and entertain his visitors, the school decided to take the club's yearbook picture WHILE HE WAS GIVING THE TOUR, so he will excluded from the yearbook. He is naturally upset about this, but I told him that people are dipshits and this will not be the first time something like this will happen to him.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Chinese Ambassador

Austin has been participating in high school extra curricular activity known as the 'Mock UN'. During their meeting they discuss/debate world events and propose their collective responses to world issues. It has made him very much aware of events that lie beyond our borders. His capacity in this endeavor is the ambassador/representative from China.

Next week, a contingent of Chinese students are stopping at Patriot High School on a tour of the United States. Young Austin has been chosen to speak to them and explain our educational system at a student-to-student level. The topics include discussions about the US high school experience and in particular the Spanish language programs. These students do not speak English and his speech will be translated in real time.

To say that he is excited/nervous/eager for next week is an understatement.