Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Topsail Beach - Day 5

The goal today was to take some action shots at the beach with Kellie and Chelsea. I let them do what they wanted and followed them around.

Kellie in the middle of a back handspring.

Austin joins the party.

Kellie and Austin in a rare moment when they act like they know each other.

Here's the beach house. Notice the direct access to the beach. In this shot, we are stay

Chelsea performing an arabesque.

Kellie doing a toe touch. My trigger finger was just a little late on this one.

Tracy and the girls.

Kellie smiling on the beach.

Kara and Andie just before we went to dinner. All 5 girls had on matching dresses and drew their share of comments.

"Where are all the hot chicks?"

Kara and Andie modeling their new airbrushed shirts. These were drawn freehand in the local beach store.

The happy couple later that night

All the kids hanging out after dinner.

Kellie and Chelsea - Not camera shy.

Topsail Beach - Day 4

I did not venture to the beach during the day as I was suffering from a bad case of sunburn also known by its Latin term Assus Burntupus. I did get the opportunity to try out the new flash gun for some beach shots in the evening.

I'll touch this one up later, but straight off the camera, it managed to capture the sunset tones in the background.

Tracy with the girls down by the water.

Here's me with the girls (Andie & Kara) in the same place.

Here's the last shot taken in the dying light.