Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kidney Stones

Tracy went in for another kidney stone procedure this morning and everything went well. She had three stones that required attention. The plan was to go in and pull them out, but the stones had shifted into a position that made this too dangerous. Instead, a Lithotripsy was performed to break the two smaller stones up. The doctor reported that the two stones were fragmented and she should be able to pass the 'sand' that remains. The largest stone had unfortunately migrated out of the target area and was not treated. This means that the larger stone will have to be dealt with at a later date. This is not as bad as it sounds because the two smaller stones were the cause of all the recent pain anyway. The large one, about 1cm wide, tends to move much less than the smaller ones and is not of immediate concern.

Her normal doctor transferred responsibility for the procedure to the senior partner in his practice in order to attend a Thanksgiving function for his son. I bring this up because the Urologist that performed the procedure today was Dr. James Stehn. He is nationally known as the doctor that reattached John Wayne Bobbit's penis when it was severed by his wife Lorena in 1993.

Because there was no invasive procedure to remove the stones, Tracy is fine. The remains of the two stones pulverized today will be passed and the blood in her urine attests to this already. She just tired and in a lot of pain from the 'sand' that she will have to flush over the next few days.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

BDHS Competition Cheer Article

After Kellie's competition cheer team won the Virginia Class AA title, the Coach issued a call for someone to write an article about the team's season. I submitted the article that follows. I found out today that she intends to submit the article to one of the local papers. That may or may not happen, but the full text of the article follows.

Brentsville District High School Cheer

2007 Class AA VHSL Cheer Champions

A Season In Review

A hush settled around the BDHS hopeful as the announcement came that the final results for the 12th Annual Virginia High School League Class AA State Cheerleading Championships were about to be made. The Tigers had risen to the challenge of the final round with a resounding flourish, showing all in attendance that their string of unbeaten tournament finishes was no fluke. The first announcement came; third place was awarded to Tabb High School from Yorktown. Heartbeats began to rise and mutterings from the orange and black army began to be heard over the crowd assembled in the VCU Siegel Center. The second announcement came; second place was awarded to Broad Run High School from Ashburn. The mutterings rose to a dull roar. The questions began to fly among the supporters. Was this three in a row for the defending champion William Byrd Terriers? Was the last performance as strong as we thought it was? The most telling moment came when Willie's mother Becky began bouncing up and down in the stands in unbridled joy. She knew the Tigers had won. Moments later, her prescience was born out when the Tigers were crowned the state champions and the most remarkable season of competitive cheer in Brentsville's history came to a fitting end.

Coaches Taryn Witt and Gillian Flewellyn should be proud of the way in which they directed this year's team. The team was mentally and physically prepared for every event, showed exemplary sportsmanship, and believed in themselves every step of the way. The team itself was led by Seniors Alix John, Melanie Poehler, Melissa Rosson, Lindsay Sable, Jay Sayre, Jessica Shasteen, and Katelin Townsend, who provided the experience, inspiration, and leadership for this year's team. An outsider could easily take a look at the team's results this year and quickly come to the conclusion that 2007 was a cakewalk for the Tigers. The truth is that the team had to overcome their fair share of injuries and other hurdles throughout the competition season. Both Alix John and Alexandra Sullivan suffered injuries during this season that forced replacements and adjustments. The fact that both of these injuries occurred in practice speaks volumes about the dedication to preparation and the intensity of their collective effort. The Tigers not only dealt with these unexpected problems, they overcame them and the results speak for themselves.

The season kicked off on Wednesday night, October 3, when the Tigers boarded the bus for Sherando High School in Stephens City, the host of this year's Northwestern District Mini Tournament #1. Just the week before, Alix John injured her knee during practice and had to be replaced by the alternate. Despite this late adjustment, the team felt confident as they walked into the gym. The tone was set when the Sherando Warrior mascot bounded into the arena, inciting the hometown fans into a frenzy as he ran up and down the mat. The Warrior fans responded enthusiastically to let everybody know who the local favorite was. The Tigers took the floor early in the event and quickly set a standard that no team could match. They cruised to a first place victory over Sherando and Skyline, who finished second and third respectively.

A mere week later, on October 10, the Skyline Hawks hosted the second Mini Tournament of the year. Alix sat this round out again as she nursed her knee to get ready for Districts later in the month. The Skyline Hawk was much more subdued than the Warrior. Perhaps they knew what was coming. Skyline got the chance to show off their sparkling new school, but Brentsville took the opportunity to show the rest of the District that they were the class of the field. They cruised to an even larger margin of victory than the previous week, finishing ahead of Sherando and Handley, who finished second and third respectively. The first step on the road to States had been taken. The Brentsville Tigers were the 2007 Northwestern District regular season champions.

Just over two weeks later, on October 27, the heavily favored Tigers hosted the Northwestern District Championships. Having secured a bye as regular season champions, Brentsville could have taken the opportunity to take the night off and coast into Regionals, but instead the Tigers went for the jugular to remind everyone present why they had swept the Minis. Sherando had already exhibited two strong performances in the Minis, having two second place finishes to their credit, and they had another strong performance at this event, but it wasn't enough. Alix's knee was ready and she rebounded with a strong tumbling performance in her season debut. The rest of the squad nailed the routine and when the dust had settled, the Tigers were the unquestioned District champions. Second place went again to the Sherando Warriors and third place was secured by the James Wood Colonels. Brentsville was awarded a plaque for both the regular season championship as well as the District championship.

Less than a week later, on November 3, the Tigers found themselves in Monticello High School in Charlottesville attempting to secure a Final Four finish and advance to States. Several questions remained to be answered. Could this team unseat last year's Regional champion, the Potomac Falls Panthers? How would they perform outside the comfort zone of the Northwestern District? If nothing else, this would be an opportunity to see how good this team really was against the other Regional Champions. All these questions were duly answered. Potomac Falls failed in their repeat attempt and the Tigers won again. They became the 2007 Regional Champions, placing just ahead of Broad Run and Potomac Falls. By finishing second, the Broad Run Spartans emerged as a new season rival as both teams advanced to the State Title event in Richmond.

A few days before States, Alexandra severely sprained her ankle. She gamely pushed ahead and decided to compete at States regardless of the pain.

November 10 found the Tigers on the big stage; The Stuart C. Siegel Center on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. This was it, the last link in the chain, the last rung on the ladder. One win away from a state title. There was, however, no small obstacle in their way. They had to beat the 2005 and 2006 State Champion William Byrd Terriers from Vinton. William Byrd seemed to occupy the thoughts of the entire team. During the days before the State Finals, videos downloaded from YouTube were watched, analyzed, and critiqued. Willie Knight wrote an inspirational letter to the entire team, explaining that William Byrd won because they expected to win. He implored that if Brentsville wanted to win, all they had to do is run their routine and believe in themselves.

Sherando performed early in the event and in support of their District rivals and friends, the Tigers sported red bandanas, a display of District camaraderie. William Byrd also performed before the Tigers and let everyone know that they were to be a force to be reckoned with yet again. When the Tigers hit the floor in their distinctive long sleeve uniforms, expectations in the stands were high. When they performed, the first cracks in the Tiger juggernaut began to show. The performance was not their finest effort of the year. A few mistakes were made and the Tigers were in real danger of not scoring among the top five; a necessity to advance to the final round. Although clearly shaken, the team regrouped, put the matter behind them and awaited the announcement of the final five. Coach Witt paced the sidelines, anxiously awaiting the release of the team score sheets. Once she got them, she began to read them so intensely that she passed a group of Brentsville parents without a glance. She made a beeline to the team in the stands and related the news. The Tiger families, friends, and supporters waited nervously in the stands for the news. This was clearly not their best performance this year,and the question remained; Was it good enough? An hour later, on the strength of their tumbling, the Tigers were announced as one the top five teams along with Potomac Falls, Broad Run, William Byrd and Tabb. The preliminary scores showed that the Tigers entered the finals in 4th place, with Broad Run holding a commanding lead.

The good news was that scores from round one were zeroed and the teams began a fresh score sheet. William Byrd began round one and Brentsville had the advantage of watching them perform first. The Tigers were the second group to hit the floor. Sherando, returning the gesture, began chanting 'Brentsville – Tigers' and held up signs cheering the Tigers on in a touching display of District support. and when it was over, one thing was clear. William Byrd was not going to win again this year. Seemingly saving their best for last, the Brentsville Tigers put on their most impressive performance of the year. Willie, Melissa, and Katelin Townsend nailed their tumbling, the entire team hit their stunts, Alexandra's ankle held up, and they walked off the floor with no regrets, knowing that they could not have done a better job as a team. When the five finalists were done, all teams were assembled on the mat for the final scores.

It did not go unnoticed that the Tigers sat in a team circle in the middle of the mat in the same place that the Class A champions had assembled. Was this a sign? The awrads progressed and third place was awarded to the Tabb High School Tigers and second place to Broad Run. The tension mounted. Surely the judges had seen the same stunning performance as the crowd had. They had. The season of destiny had arrived at its logical conclusion. The Brentsville District High School Competition Cheer Team were the Virginia High School League Class AA State Champions. When the team had recovered from their initial shock, they proceeded to the announcer's stand the receive their medals and the trophy. Afterwards, Lindsay Sable was heard to say “Did this just happen?” and chants of “We're on the Wall!” were heard from the floor; a reference to the State Championship Banner that will one day hang in the gymnasium.

The team is justifiably proud of their accomplishment, especially considering that it has no precedent. They are the first BDHS Cheer Team to win a State title. Hard work does pay off. Each and everyone of these ladies (and Willie) deserve a pat on the back for a job well done. Hold your heads high. You've earned it.

2007 Team Members:

Kimberly Butler

Dao Kulfay

Melissa Rosson

Jay Sayre

Shannon Butler

Gabi Markley

Lindsay Sable

Alexandra Sullivan

Alicia Cali

Amanda Notarantonio

Rachel Sable

Alicia Sullivan

Alix John

Kaitlin Pertl

Jessica Shasteen

Katelin Townsend

Willie Knight

Melanie Poehler

Casey Sayre

Emily Watson

Alternate: Kellie Clark

Mascot: Neesha Karanth

I also included the following picture:

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Brentsville Tigers - Class AA State Champions

This evening, Kellie is basking in the glory of Brentsville District High School's finest achievement in competitive cheer. BDHS has been crowned the 2007 Class AA State Champion.

The competition is structured as two rounds. All the teams compete and the five highest scores advance to the final round. To this point in the season, BDHS has mowed down the competition and hasn't really had a team score close to them. Tonight they had to compete outside of a high school gym (VCU - Richmond) as well as compete against two-time defending champion William Byrd High School from Roanoke.

When they performed, the first cracks in the Tiger juggernaut began to show. They dropped a stunt and had a few shaky moments like dropping the 'E' in the TIGERS chant. In other words, a few major mistakes were made and the Tigers were in real danger of not making the top five. Although devastated, the team regrouped, put the matter behind them and awaited the announcement of the final five. An hour later, presumably on the strength of their tumbling, the Tigers were announced as one the top five teams.

The good news was that scores from round one were zeroed and the teams began a fresh scoresheet. The bad news was that William Byrd emerged from the first round as the early leader. William Byrd began round one and Brentsville had the advantage of watching them go first. The tigers were the second group to hit the floor and when the dust had settled, one thing was clear. William Byrd was not going to win again this year. Seemingly saving their best for last, the Brentsville Tigers put on their most impressive performance of the year. They walked off the floor with no regrets, knowing that they could not have done a better job as a team. When the five finalists were done, all teams were assembled on the mat for the final scores.

Third place went to Tabb High School out of Yorktown that had the same mascot as well as the same team colors. Second place went to a team from Northern Virginia and we were all sure that it was down to the William Byrd Terriers and the Brentsville Tigers. In the end, it wasn't even close as the Tigers won and the Terriers finished fifth.

Kellie received a medal for her letter jacket and will also receive a state championship ring later this year. If you want more details, give Kellie a call. She will be glad to give you a blow by blow.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Update - State Finals

This just in. One of the girls on the Brentsville Competition Cheer Squad has a severe ankle sprain and will not be able to compete this weekend in Richmond. Why is this important? As the alternate, Kellie will now compete in the Finals. She's a little overwhelmed right now, but by Saturday she will have her game face on.

BDHS Cheerleading Competition Team

This weekend marks the end of the 2007 Virginia High School Cheerleading competition season. To catch up with the events thus far this year, here is a summary of Brentsville's results to date:

Northwestern District (NWD) Mini Tournament #1 - 1st Place
NWD Tournament #2 - 1st Place

NWD Regular Season Champs
District Championships - 1st Place

NWD Champions - Top four teams advanced to Regional Championship Round

Virginia High School League (VHSL) Group AA Regional Championship - 1st Place

VHSL Group AA Regional Champions

Kellie competed in the first two tournaments and served as an alternate during the final two, but she will accompany the team this weekend, as they compete in the Virginia State Finals in Richmond. Kellie is one of only three Freshmen that made this year's team. She will be glad to show you the letter jacket medal that she received as a member of this year's regional champions.

This year, we noticed that they put up Football signs on the telephone poles next to the road leading to the school. Each sign has the name and number of the Varsity Football Team. This week, they footballs came down and Megaphone signs went up to recognize the Cheer Team's trip to the State Finals. As luck would have it, they put up the names in alphabetical order and "Kellie C' is the first one you see as you drive into town.